
Kubernetes is a platform which is working with containers, gives you the means to do Deployments, an easy way to Scale and Monitoring.

Imagine you are in a situation when you’ve been using Docker for a little while and maybe you have it deployed on a few different servers and this is great. We’ve used Docker compose in a past to actually go through and manage these kinds of deployments and they’re pretty simple for something that is really small.

But say your website or application makes it onto a big news source and drives a lot of traffic and you need to scale up really fast. How are you going to go from 3 servers that you have now to 40 servers or 50? How can you go past the handful of servers you can keep track of in your mind when you really need to scale out your business?

This is where Kubernetes comes in. Kubernetes is a platform which is working with containers and at its core, it gives you a means to do Deployments, an easy way to Scale and gives you Monitoring. Kubernetes allows you to take advantage of your existing Docker workloads and run them at scale, tackle real complexities. Kubernetes is great to get started with even if you’re making a small app if you anticipate that one day you’ll have to move to scale. If you’re already taking advantage of Docker and containers with your applications moving them onto Kubernetes can really help you tackle some of the operations overhead that almost every application is going to run into when moving to scale.
Choose us to get your project done using Kubernetes!